Our Facilities

The school has sick bay where the matron screens sick pupils before they are taken either to Getrudes Catholic Hospital or Embu Provincial (Level 5) Hospital.

Embu Kawa Academy and Junior Secondary School has two state of the art buses that transport pupils to and from school. This also ensures that pupils are taken out for education trips with the school transport, which is reliable and safe.

To promote further interactivity with the world, Embu Kawa Academy and Junior Secondary School has a website that is a useful resource for the school’s parents, students and clients www.embukawaschool.com. Parents are in touch with academic performance of their children all the time. When e-learning is finally introduced by the Ministry of Education, the school is already set for it as we have computers and our teachers are computer literate.


At Embu Kawa Academy and Junior Secondary School, child engages in co-curricular activities either through interest or talent. We also identify and nurture the child’s talent to competitive standard. At Embu Kawa School, we boast of a wide range of competitive sports such as football, volleyball, netball, rugby, athletics among others; and performing arts such as music and drama. In particular,

  • The school has partnered with Difatha’s soccer academy to develop its learners’ soccer skills.
  • A sports day is held once per year, where pupils take part in various games and sports together with their parents and guardians. An award is given to the winning team and several other fabulous prizes are awarded.
  • Pupils also take part in clubs and societies like drama and music clubs, liturgical movement, wildlife club, journalism club, agricultural club (4kclub), scouts and girl guides, rugby, swimming and debate club.
  • The school organizes educational field trips targeting all pupils to various parts of the country such as Nairobi, Rift Valley, Mombasa etc.
  • Since religious matters are of great concern for spiritual growth, catechism classes are offered on Thursdays Saturdays for Catholics and ACK pupils, and many of them have been baptized and confirmed through this programme. The school makes arrangements for pupils to attend places of worship. All this is done with the approval of the parents.

All these activities do not interfere with classroom teaching time.


The school follows Ministry of Education requirements with all schools doors and windows opening outwards.

The school has a staff quarter. Besides housing teachers and non-teaching staff, this takes care of the Ministry of Education requirements that in a boarding school, the Head teacher must reside within the school. Staff quarters are out of bounds to the pupils.

Embu Kawa Academy and Junior Secondary School has separate modern hostels for boys and girls which are self-contained. The school provides good beds and mattresses. The boys hostel has a house father, while the girls one has a house mother.

The school has a spacious dining hall and modern kitchen with energy saving jikos. It provides cutlery to the pupils, which are washed by the kitchen staff after use. Embu Kawa School provides a balanced diet including pupils’ favourite chapati, pilau and eggs etc.

The classrooms are spacious, well lit and adequately ventilated. Pupils are provided with individual lockers and chairs.

The school has modern administration block. Besides the normal essential offices, it has separate curriculum/examination room, guidance and counselling rooms.

The school has spacious play ground where sports and performing arts take place

Water is always available from Embu Water & Sanitation Company (EWASCO) and Itabua Muthatari water society. There is constant electricity supply and incase of blackouts, there are standby generators.